11:36 AM | Author: kaushik
the ship of my life had been sailing smoothly for the last 5 years....but now, (un)fortunately, in the (begining?)middle of a storm......I will come out better.....

not a happy week for me...7days of placements done...no job yet!
8 interviews, two near misses....
confidence down....

but the will to bounce back is there (lots of points to prove!!!)

bitter experiences makes you better
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On 5:32 PM , Anonymous said...

Life pushes us to death, don't worry all could get worse, but maybe better. You are alive so you have hope. I'm sure in the next decades you'll find a good job

On 5:32 PM , Anonymous said...

Life pushes us to death, don't worry all could get worse, but maybe better. You are alive so you have hope. I'm sure in the next decades you'll find a good job

On 8:55 AM , Anonymous said...

they were right when they said failures are stepping stones to success......and the ebst is always saved for the last ....
so all the best again...keep the fire alive :)

On 10:48 PM , Pritesh Jain said...

all the best dude..